SAT is the new BTC

This isn't your uncle's crypto app

Actually, SATs (short for Satoshis, named after the Bitcoin founder) aren't new at all - they have existed from the very beginning of Bitcoin.  They're the base units, meaning they are the smallest denomination of Bitcoin.

The creators of Bitcoin understood there would need to be much smaller denominations of BTC for things like trading, payments, and everyday purchases due to limited supply (BTC max supply is 21 million) or high prices in the future.  So they came up with SATs.   

Fast forward to today and BTC is so expensive, people usually trade in small decimals - which can be confusing, unfamiliar, and kind of unfair to anyone who can't buy a whole unit (which is most of us).  But there's always been a better solution.  

Base8 is the first app that let’s you invest in Bitcoin with SATs .

And it looks and feels like it was built in 2023, not 2013.

Our Story

"Summer 2021, middle of Covid, and the price of BTC is over $60k. I had just re-read the Bitcoin whitepaper and had a simple thought: 'Why aren't any exchanges letting people trade Satoshis?' It seemed so logical and easy to just let people trade whole quantities of the smaller denominations of BTC instead of using decimals. Just as important, it felt authentic to the original Bitcoin concept. At that point I think I had the lightbulb moment" - Alex

"January 3rd, 2022 (first Monday of the year) a new guy showed up at the firm where I had been working for five years (I was employee #4 and was overseeing everything that was customer facing). He’s introduced as Alex, the CEO of the crypto division we had just launched. As soon as he finds out that I have been actively trading crypto for YEARS and on multiple apps he (literally) immediately starts telling me about Satoshis (SATs) and how everyone’s doing it wrong. Then he tells me how amazing the Bitcoin whitepaper is. So I (REALLY) read it, then I looked at all my apps, and then I thought holy sh*t, this guy’s onto something" - Moe

We started talking everyday.  Talking eventually led to planning and one day we decided it was time to go off and build a crypto investment app like no one had ever seen.

Base8 exists to radically change how people trade and invest in crypto.  It’s not just about being the first app to offer SATs.  It’s about the incredible and immersive user experience.  We designed something that is actually cool to play around with even if you’re not ready to make a trade.

(In case you’re wondering, we named the company Base8 because the Base unit of bitcoin, the Satoshi, is 8 decimals out)

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